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Sugar Creek Lutheran Online Directory
Thursday, December 26th

The Word for Today
Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once rece... what was sown.'
Mark 4:15-20 NIV

Welcome to Sugar Creek Lutheran Online Directory

Password Assistance

To receive your temporary password, select how you'd like to receive it and enter your User ID, and email or phone number.
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Phone number (capable of receiving text messages) and/or email address must have been previously set up in your profile. If you need additional assistance, contact your directory administrator. Note: Picture-Directory.com is unable to provide you with profile assistance.

User ID Assistance

To have your User ID sent to you, select how you'd like to receive it and enter your email or phone number.
Use my:
Phone number (capable of receiving text messages) and/or email address must have been previously set up in your profile. If you need additional assistance, contact your directory administrator. Note: Picture-Directory.com is unable to provide you with profile assistance.