Notice to our valued GEFC Directory Customers

March 31st, 2016

It gives us great pleasure inform our customers that after many trials and tribulations we are announcing the availability of Picture Directory For Windows™ (PDfW™). It has been a long time that we have worked on this new product and are happy to release it to you today.

PDfW Features

There are a numerous new PDfW features that are not included in GEFC. These are features you have asked us for and most of them have been incorporated into PDfW. Some of the new features:
  • Full WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) Print Preview before printing a single sheet of paper.
  • Add user defined fields
  • Enable user to rename fields on entry screen
  • Select what groups to print
  • Resize pictures directly
  • Improved Help Text
  • "Save As" function to Save your directory as a new directory.
  • And numerous other features for you to explore and use
As new functions are added in later releases, you'll be able to install them with no impact on your current PDfW version (initial version will be 3.0).

Administration Of Products

Because of our limited resources at Picture Directory we have to change the way we administer our products. As you know if you presently have GEFC you are entitled to use PDfW free of charge for one year. After that year you will be billed an annual license fee of $16.95 every year. The one free year will enable you to see the benefits of PDfW at NO charge. With the availability of PDfW on March 31st 2016, you will be able to download PDfW on that date and use it for free until March 31st 2017. After March 31st, 2017 you will be billed an annual license fee. If not licensed, the PDfW application will still work, but anything printed will show an unregistered message on the printout. For all customers, whether you download today, or some day in the future the license renewal date will still be March 31st, 2017. When you have paid the PDfW license renewal fee, you'll receive a new registration code that extends your license for another year.

Forum Procedures

The forum is available on our web site by clicking the "Support Forum" tab. When you have technical questions about PDfW you can submit an email to for your question. If you have a sales type question, you should submit an email to The answer to this question will be entered into our forum in the PDfW category and you will be notified that the question/answer has been entered. Members of the forum can enter their questions in the forum and will automatically be sent the answer to your question. If you do not become a member of the forum, you can still read the forum, but cannot ask questions or post to the forum. The use of the forum is free.

Sunset GEFC

GEFC has been our main product but with the announcement of PDfW, GEFC Support will end in one year (March 31st, 2017). With PDfW providing all of the features of GEFC and many more, it is not possible for us to support both products. Our current support (sales and technical) will continue until the general availability of PDfW. Replacement Registration codes will be available for a nominal fee on our website. No replacement GEFC Directory CD-ROMs will be available.

Future Of PDfW

The initial version of PDfW will be available to you initially only via download. At a later date you can order it on a CD-ROM. Downloads of PDfW are free, as will new versions of PDFW. We plan to enhance PDfW with other suggestions we have received from our customers and our new policy is to continually add these new functions/capabilities to PDfW. The only charge is the annual license fee. You should monitor our web site to see what version 3.x of PDfW is now available. You are free to download the newer software if you desire.

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