Create and Print a Picture Directory with Picture-Directory for Windows™ 3.0 (PDFW) using Page Designer

Learn how to create and print your directory with PDFW's built-in feature, Page Designer. With Page Designer™, you can layout your directory precisely how you want. In this video, we'll explain how to create a Page Designer™ template and how to print using that template.

How to Create Custom Fields with Picture-Directory for Windows™ 3.0

With Picture-Directory for Windows™ 3.0, you can create custom fields for your pictorial directory. You're not limited to the standard name, address and contact fields. You can create your own and use them just like the standard fields. In this video, we show you how simple that is.

How to Import Data into Picture-Directory for Windows™ 3.0

Getting started with your pictorial directory for your church, club, business or other type of organization? There is no need to re-enter all of your data! Simply export the data from whatever system you are using and choose the import menu option and follow the prompts. In this video you'll learn how to import data from a delimited text file or from Microsoft Excel into Picture-Directory for Windows™ 3.0.

Maintaining Your Pictorial Directory with Picture-Directory for Windows™ (aka PDFW) 3.0

Learn how to use Picture-Directory for Windows™ 3.0 (aka PDFW) to maintain your pictorial directory. This video teaches you how to: add/change/delete your directory entries, change your display options, and filter and sort your data. This application is great for business, churches, clubs, and any type of organization that wants to easily maintain and regularly print a pictorial directory! Can also print labels, directory with or without pictures. It has several predefined printing formats and a feature called Page Designer to design your own fully customizable printing templates based on predefined formats.

How to Run Microsoft Windows on a Mac So you can use Picture-Directory for Windows™ (aka PDFW) 3.0

How can you run Microsoft Windows applications on a Mac? It' really pretty simple. Here we explain and described what's needed, some choices to make, and then demonstrate this process using one of the available options, VirtualBox. This video is a part of the Video Series on "Using Picture-Directory for Windows".

Website References

VirtualBox Download VMWare Fusion Parallels Mac Boot Camp Microsoft Windows 10

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